- پروڊڪٽ ويڊيو خاصيتون 1. اهو يورپي ڪلاسيڪل ٽيبل جوڙجڪ کي اپنائي ٿو، ۽ صاف ٿيل اسٽينلیس اسٽيل خوبصورت ۽ سخي آهي. 2. The homogenizer is placed at the bottom of the pot, the rotating shaft is very short, and there will be no shaking. The material enters from the bottom of the pot, enters the pipe outside the pot through the homogenizer, and then returns to the liquid level from the top of the pot for external circulation, which can fully ensure that all materials have...
Semi-automatic liquid/paste filling machine (vertical & horizontal type) is a semi-automatic quantitative liquid filling machine, which is used for quantitative liquid filling in chemical, food, daily chemical, pharmaceutical, pesticide, lubricating oil and other industries. The skin tube self-priming type is suitable for drinking water, fruit juice, oil and other products. هپپر روٽري والوي قسم، مرچ ساس، ٽاٽو پيسٽ، ٽوٿ پيسٽ، شيشي گلو، شيشي گلو وغيره وغيره وغيره وغيره وغيره وغيره